Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions: Vol. 6, 1930

image of Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions: Vol. 6, 1930


Any legal library would be incomplete without the entire set of this historical reprint of the decisions of the Permanent Court of International Justice. The 15 bound volumes include Judgments from 1923-1930 (Series A), Advisory Opinions from 1923-1930 (Series B) and Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions from 1931-1940 (Series A/B). Volume 6 includes two Advisory Opinions (Series B) on Greco-Bulgarian “Communities” and Free City of Danzig and ILO, and the Order of 6 December 1930 in Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex.

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Related Subject(s): International Law and Justice


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