Financial flows needed to meet Rio Convention targets

While Chapter 2 documents current investment in nature-based solutions, the question remains whether these finance flows are sufficient to meet Rio Convention targets. This chapter therefore looks at the investment in NbS needed to meet international commitments related to biodiversity (halting further loss of biodiversity by protecting 30 per cent of land and marine areas by 2030), climate (keeping temperature rises to below 1.5°C (and 2°C) compared to the pre-industrial age), and land restoration (achieving land degradation neutrality by restoring close to 1 billion ha of degraded land). Exhibit 12 below illustrates the NbS that are included in the modelling of investment needs based on their potential to store and sequester carbon, protect biodiversity and restore terrestrial and marine ecosystems. NbS interventions used in the modelling scenarios to quantify investment needs respect social and environmental safeguards.

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