Since early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial negative impact across the world, threatening people’s livelihoods, ways of living, and their very lives. The high level of risk has caused many governments to dramatically curtail many facets of economic activity and trade, triggering extensive losses. No nation has escaped unscathed. The globally interconnected nature of today’s world, which relies on complex global supply chain networks and the relatively free movement of people, goods, and services, has amplified the pandemic in multiple ways. Firstly, the virus itself took advantage of the global linkages to propagate faster than would have otherwise been possible. Secondly, the disruption of international trade during the initial days of the pandemic left many countries vulnerable, as domestic economies could no longer access imported goods. However, the situation was resolved in time, although the health and well-being of many populations were affected in multiple ways over and above the direct dangers of the virus itself.

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