Pathways to recruitment

The Journey to Extremism 2.0 report is based on the approach taken in the 2017 study, which seeks to unravel the complex pathways that lead individuals to join VE groups based on the theory of political socialization. Recognizing that a wide range of factors drive and shape each person’s pathway through life, this theory refers to a “lifelong process through which a person develops its own unique frame of reference and worldview that guides choices and views on key issues such as politics, religion and ideology.” It offers a way to understand the journey towards and away from extremism as a function of the circumstances and key incidents that an individual experiences, as well as the ideas, values and belief systems that he or she is exposed to. The research also investigates factors that affect the speed of recruitment in order to discern the factors that may accelerate the recruitment process. Based on this approach, the research team was able to uncover each respondent’s journey map, identifying the enabling conditions, driving factors, incentives and incidents that led them to join a VE group or not to do so. Like the first study, it focuses on four broad clusters – upbringing and education; economic factors; religion and ideologies; and state and citizenship – and examines how these interact and influence an individual’s life journey.

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