Overview and key findings

- Author: International Organization for Migration
- Main Title: International Dialogue on Migration No. 14 , pp 23-25
- Publication Date: August 2008
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210026840c005
- Language: English
In four panel discussions, delegates dealt with current aspects of return migration and exchanged their experiences on this issue from a policy and programmatic perspective. They discussed relevant international legal standards and policy considerations that could inform the formulation of comprehensive return migration strategies. In case studies, the interaction between return migration and other key stages of the migration process were highlighted, and the relationship between migration and related policy domains was emphasized. As one example of the different forms and facets of return migration, one panel focused on the question of return migration when entry or stay is not or no longer authorized. The delegates underscored the need for innovative partnerships is among all levels of government in transit, host and home countries, the private sector, civil society organizations and the migrants themselves. It was stressed that a multi-disciplinary approach should be sought to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of a comprehensive migration policy.
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