Demographic, economic and social drivers

- Authors: Gunilla Björklund, Richard Connor, Anne Goujon, Molly Hellmuth, Patrick Moriarty, Walter Rast, Koko Warner and James Winpenny
- Main Title: The United Nations World Water Development Report 2009 , pp 29-40
- Publication Date: June 2009
- DOI:
- Language: English
Demographic processes such as population growth, age distribution, urbanization and migration create some of the greatest pressures on water resources quantity and quality. These demographic processes directly affect water availability and quality through increased water demands and consumption and through pollution resulting from water use. They affect water resources indirectly through changes in land use and water use patterns, with significant implications at local, regional and global levels. And the availability and quality of water as well as trends in water use can influence demographic processes.
© United Nations
Book DOI:
Related Subject(s):
Economic and Social Development
Natural Resources Water and Energy
Sustainable Development Goals:
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