Price movements farm incomes and consumer purchases
- Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Main Title: The State of Food and Agriculture 1955 , pp 104-130
- Publication Date: December 1955
- DOI:
- Language: English
fi-Le 1)11 ce situation sin ce ti le war Ras been extremely complex. In the immediate postwar years, all countries felt to a greater or less extent the inflationary pressures caused on the one .hand by the shortage of food and other consumer goods and, on the other, by the high purchasing power generated by the war (see Chapter II). The success with which inflation was combatted -varied widely from country to country, according to the degree of shortage and the effectiveness of the .machinery of price control. The same fitctors also influenced both the relative increases in prices of agricultural products compared with non-agricultural products and the relative rises in prices of different agricultural products ; and these, too, varied greatly in different countries.
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