Executive summary
- Author: United Nations Development Programme
- Main Title: Assessment of Development Results - Pacific Island Countries , pp 11-20
- Publication Date: December 2012
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/f0fc53a5-en
- Language: English
The Assessment of Development Results (ADR) in the Pacific is an independent evaluation conducted in 2011 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Evaluation Office. The objective of the ADR Pacific is to assess UNDP’s contributions to development results in the Pacific subregion and how the organization has positioned itself to support and add value to the development efforts of the Pacific Island Countries (PICs). It was timed to be conducted in 2011 so that its findings and conclusions can inform the process of formulation of the new multi-country programmes in the Pacific beginning in 2013.
© United Nations
Book DOI:
Related Subject(s):
Economic and Social Development
Sustainable Development Goals:
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