Conscientious Objection to Military Service

image of Conscientious Objection to Military Service


This publication addresses sensitive topics such as selective conscientious objection to particular wars, conscientious objection for those who have volunteered to serve in the armed forces and conscientious objection for those in the reserves. For persons who are or may be conscripted into the armed forces, this book specifies issues relating to their right to know their rights in due time and the applicable procedures, decision-making processes for dealing with applications, and the requirements of a fair and impartial procedure. Concerning alternative service to military service for conscientious objectors, this book addresses the difference in treatment between non-combatant alternative service and civilian alternative service, as well as the length and conditions of alternative service and under what circumstances they may be different from the length and conditions of military service.

Sustainable Development Goals:
Related Subject(s): Human Rights and Refugees


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