Effects of armed conflicts on treaties
- Author: United Nations
- Main Title: Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2005, Vol. II, Part 2 , pp 27-37
- Publication Date: February 2013
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/092dcf8d-en
- Language: English French, Spanish
The Commission at its fifty-second session (2000), identified the topic “Effects of armed conflicts on treaties” for inclusion in its long-term programme of work. A brief syllabus describing the possible overall structure and approach to the topic was annexed to the report of the Commission to the General Assembly on the work of its fifty-second session. In paragraph 8 of its resolution 55/152 of 12 December 2000, the General Assembly took note of the inclusion of the topic.
© United Nations
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Related Subject(s):
International Law and Justice
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