
- Author: United Nations
- Main Title: International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2013, Volume I , pp 84-85
- Publication Date: November 2014
- DOI:
- Language: English
In 2013, the value of merchandise exports of Barbados decreased substantially by 17.5 percent to reach 467.4 mln US$, while its merchandise imports increased slightly by 0.1 percent to reach 1.8 bln US$ (see graph 1, table 2 and table 3). The merchandise trade balance recorded a relatively large deficit of 1.3 bln US$ (see graph 1). The largest merchandise trade balance was with MDG Developed North America at -536.1 mln US$ (see graph 4). Merchandise exports in Barbados were diversified amongst partners; imports were moderately concentrated. The top 11 partners accounted for 80 percent or more of exports and 9 partners accounted for 80 percent or more of imports (see graph 5). In 2010, the value of exports of services of Barbados increased substantially by 34.2 percent, reaching 569.0 mln US$, while its imports of services decreased slightly by 3.5 percent and reached 661.0 mln US$ (see graph 2). There was a relatively small trade in services deficit of 92.0 mln US$.
© United Nations
Book DOI:
Related Subject(s):
International Trade and Finance
Sustainable Development Goals:
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