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- UNODA Occasional Papers No.28: Rethinking General and Complete Disarmament in the Twenty-First Century, October 2016
- Chapter
Creating disarmament synergies: The general and complete disarmament multiplier
- Author: Randy Rydell
- Main Title: UNODA Occasional Papers No.28: Rethinking General and Complete Disarmament in the Twenty-First Century, October 2016 , pp 35-45
- Publication Date: October 2016
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/c5d85c48-en
- Language: English
There are few concepts as badly misunderstood in the disarmament and arms control literature as “general and complete disarmament under effective international control” or GCD. To some ill-informed observers, GCD is prima facie unacceptable because of its utopian connotations: it implies the elimination of literally every weapon, of all types, everywhere. Working from this false premise, such critics typically conclude that GCD is “unrealistic”—or at best a concept to be viewed as an “ultimate goal”, to be achieved only when all other challenges are resolved first. Even the United Nations treats GCD as an “ultimate goal”.
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