
- Author: United Nations Development Programme
- Main Title: Assessment of Development Results - Bosnia and Herzegovina , pp 3-4
- Publication Date: December 2009
- DOI:
- Language: English
The Evaluation Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducts independent evaluations of UNDP contributions to development results through its country programmes. These evaluations are titled Assessment of Development Results (ADR). An ADR evaluates the relevance and strategic positioning of UNDP support and contributions to a country’s development over a specified period of time. The purpose of the ADR is to generate lessons for future country-level programming and to contribute to the organization’s effectiveness and substantive accountability. This report presents the findings and recommendations of an ADR that was conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a scope covering the period of two country cooperation frameworks (2001–2008). More specifically, the ADR provides forward-looking recommendations to assist the UNDP country office and its partners in formulating an action plan for the next programming cycle (2010–2014).
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