Pathways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
- Author: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- Main Title: Global Sustainable Development Report 2023 , pp 39-60
- Publication Date: September 2023
- DOI:
- Language: English
Business-as-usual will not deliver the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 or even 2050, yet the Goals are the survival kit behind the transformation process that the planet needs. Global scenario projections reveal plausible future pathways where rapid progress can be made towards the Goals. Harnessing these opportunities will require an increased level of ambition, transformative policies, and an integrated approach to organize and coordinate efforts. Using a framework of entry points and levers, countries can strategically embark on six systems transformations to achieve the Goals. This chapter highlights important shifts and interventions that could accelerate these transformations sourced from global scenario projections. There are opportunities for rapid gains on the Goals by leveraging new policies, technologies, investments and behaviours. Approaches focus on reducing complexity, prioritizing interventions, and giving practical guidance.
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