Manufacturing employment

- Author: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- Main Title: Statistical Indicators of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization 2019 , pp 23-27
- Publication Date: September 2019
- DOI:
- Language: English
Inclusive industrial development implies that all parts of society benefit from industrial growth. Historically, the rapid growth of industrial development first led to an increase in income inequality (Kuznets, 1955) and levelled off only after significant economic progress was achieved several years later. In recent years, an increase in income of a small segment of the population, which has left larger parts of society behind, has sparked bloody conflicts in many parts of the world. Inequality makes development socially unsustainable. The purpose of industrialization today should be to lift the living standards of the entire population, irrespective of gender, ethnic group and geographical area.
© 2019 United Nations
Book DOI:
Sustainable Development Goals:
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