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- Energy Transition of Fishing Fleets: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Countries
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Technological opportunities and challenges of alternative energy options for fishing fleets

- Author: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- Main Title: Energy Transition of Fishing Fleets: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Countries , pp 32-41
- Publication Date: February 2024
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/9789213586815c009
- Language: English
The increasing demand for renewable and modern technology for both electricity and fuels present potential opportunities for developing countries. Among the top ten countries in renewable electricity output are China, India and Brazil (IRENA, 2023a). China is the global leader in renewable energy production, especially solar panels, wind turbines and batteries (IRENA, 2019). According to a recent Patent Landscape Report of the World Intellectual Property Organization, China was the top origin of patent filings related to hydrogen fuel cells in transportation (WIPO, 2022). Africa’s abundant resources of sun, wind and rare earths make the continent a major participant in renewable energy in the coming decades. Furthermore, Africa can play a crucial role in the development of the hydrogen economy (UNCTAD, 2023d). Latin America is an important player in the generation of hydroelectricity, and Argentina, Bolivia and Chile contain the largest reserves of lithium necessary for the energy transition.
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