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- Disarmament: A Basic Guide
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Conventional weapons

- Author: Bhaskar Menon
- Main Title: Disarmament: A Basic Guide , pp 27-30
- Publication Date: December 2001
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/f67d9381-en
- Language: English
Positional warfare among States has become a rarity in the period after the Second World War, but governments continue to spend significant portions of their military budgets on heavy conventional weaponry. Since only a handful of States manufacture these weapons, efforts at the UN have focused on inducing greater transparency in international transfers. A UN Register of Conventional Arms has been published annually since 1992. Every year till 1997, it included information from over 90 member States on their imports and exports of seven main categories of conventional weapons: battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large-calibre artillery systems, attack helicopters, combat aircraft, warships, and missiles and missile launchers. In 1998 the number of reporting States dipped to 82 but rose to 90 in 1999 (the latest report). States are also invited to submit information on military holdings and internal procurement; 26 did in 1999.
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