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- Recommended Methods for The Identification and Analysis of Fentanyl and Its Analogues in Biological Specimens
- Chapter
Analysis of fentanyl and its analogues and their metabolites in biological specimens

- Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- Main Title: Recommended Methods for The Identification and Analysis of Fentanyl and Its Analogues in Biological Specimens , pp 25-36
- Publication Date: January 2018
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/ba45c617-en
- Language: English
The focus of this manual is on both currently available fentanyl analogues approved for human or veterinary use (fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, remifentanil, and carfentanil), and illicit clandestinely synthesized fentanyl analogues. As of September 2017, the list includes those fentanyl analogues that are under international control and other fentanyl analogues that have been reported to the UNODC Early Warning Advisory on New Psychoactive Substances, as well as newly emerging fentanyls recently seen in forensic casework.
© United Nations
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Drugs Crime and Terrorism
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