Technical Material On Trade and Gender - Volume 1: Unfolding the Links
Module 4E - Trade and Gender Linkages: An Analysis of Least Developed Countries

This publication is the ninth teaching manual on trade and gender prepared by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). It has been developed with the goal of enhancing the capacity of policymakers, civil society organizations, and academics to examine the gender implications of trade flows and trade policy and of developing gender-sensitive policies on gender and trade. The first three modules provide a review of theoretical frameworks and empirical studies on the two-way relationship between gender and trade and are followed by additional teaching materials. Covering 47 countries from different geographical regions (33 from Africa, 9 from Asia, 4 from the Pacific, and 1 from the Caribbean), the publication further adopts the UNCTAD (2019c) grouping of LDCs as the African LDCs and Haiti, the Asian LDCs, and the Island LDCs based on their geographical and structural characteristics. Economic and social indicators are calculated as a weighted average for each LDC group throughout, and, where data is available, regional averages are presented for sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, South-eastern Asia, and Pacific Island Small States or Small Island Developing States to put the LDCs in perspective.