Effectiveness of mineral resource governance instruments

- Author: United Nations Environment Programme
- Main Title: Mineral Resource Governance in the 21st Century , pp 214-227
- Publication Date: September 2020
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/92d33c35-en
- Language: English
Although the mineral resources governance (MRG) instruments discussed in the previous chapter have played an important role in mitigating some of the most damaging impacts from the extractive sector, some serious accidents have nonetheless occurred (such as the Brazil tailing dam accident). Building on these instruments will be an important part of any attempt to ensure that the sector optimizes its contribution to sustainable development. For this to materialize, it is key to understand how effective they have been. That is the subject of this chapter.
© United Nations
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Related Subject(s):
Economic and Social Development
Environment and Climate Change
Natural Resources Water and Energy
Sustainable Development Goals:
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