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- Africa Migration Report
- Chapter
The unseen vulnerabilities of unaccompanied African migrant children

- Author: International Organization for Migration
- Main Title: Africa Migration Report , pp 183-197
- Publication Date: March 2022
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/9789290688426c017
- Language: English
This chapter describes the vulnerabilities and the traumatic situation of unaccompanied migrant children (UMCs) in Africa and explores the global and continental frameworks that provide response to, and should mitigate these vulnerabilities. Cross-border trade, family ties, conflict, insecurity, fear of persecution, human rights violations, seasonal labour opportunities, limited access to education and health services are identified as reasons why children including UMCs migrate or flee within Africa. Systematic and harmonized data on UMCs across Africa is not available, as movements of children within and between countries are underreported. The chapter notes that UMCs are susceptible to sexual abuse and exploitation, forced labour, detention, physical and gender-based violence. This is further aggravated by the brunt of xenophobia, statelessness and discrimination from the misperceptions that migrants are criminals and social and economic burden on receiving States. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), Organisation of African Unity’s (OAU) Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa and the Kampala Convention offer protection to UMCs in addition to international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, but the chapter concludes that more remains to be done to bridge the gap between commitments and implementation of these frameworks. Governments need to adopt an all-inclusive approach to child protection regardless of nationality and status, harmonize data across the continent, and utilize existing forums to advocate for African UMCs.
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