Flagship reports are a collective endeavour reflecting generous contributions from many people, both inside and outside of UNRISD. This report benefitted greatly from our extensive research and advocacy networks around the world, who contributed rigorous research and bold ideas through various initiatives. These include an international conference that UNRISD convened in November 2018 under the theme “Overcoming Inequalities: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilization,” which laid much of the groundwork for the framing of the report; the Global Research and Action Network for a New Eco-Social Contract initiated by UNRISD and the Green Economy Coalition; and the June 2022 People’s Global Summit, which UNRISD co-convened with the International Federation of Social Workers under the theme “Co-Building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind.” The numerous discussions, exchanges and feedback shared in these spaces inspired and influenced the final product in important ways.

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