Executive summary

- Author: International Organization for Migration
- Main Title: Mapping the Rwandan Diaspora in the United States of America , pp ix-xi
- Publication Date: July 2023
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/9789292686246c003
- Language: English
Mapping the Rwandan Diaspora in the United States of America is the report on a mapping exercise involving a sample of 460 individuals that took place in the United States of America from November 2021 to March 2022. The study aimed to gain insights into the socioeconomic profile, professional skills and expertise of this population and assess their capacity, level of interest and motivation to participate and engage in development-related activities in Rwanda. This report proposes a list of recommendations on ways to match or align Government-led projects and initiatives with skills available in the Rwandan diaspora in the United States and enhance the substantial engagement already in place.
© 2023 United Nations
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