Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Implementation of Goal 15 is showing some encouraging signs. Forest loss has slowed. A growing number of forest areas are being sustainably managed, integrating policies and practices that protect forest ecosystems and address drivers of degradation. All regions continue to make progress on conferring official protection status to areas critical to global biodiversity. However, land degradation is increasing due to competing pressures for food, energy and shelter. Biodiversity loss is occurring at an alarming rate. In addition, invasive species, the illicit poaching and trafficking of wildlife, and falling trends in ODA in support of biodiversity continue to thwart efforts to protect and restore vital ecosystems and species. Accelerated action is urgently needed to preserve and promote the sustainable use of ecosystems on which all life depends.

Sustainable Development Goals:
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