مبادئ الهيئات المشتركة الفعالة للتعاون في مجال المياه عبر الحدود بموجب اتفاقية حماية واستخدام المجاري المائية العابرة للحدود والبحيرات الدولية

image of مبادئ الهيئات المشتركة الفعالة للتعاون في مجال المياه عبر الحدود بموجب اتفاقية حماية واستخدام المجاري المائية العابرة للحدود والبحيرات الدولية

The Principles for Effective Joint Bodies for Transboundary Water Cooperation, presented in this publication, distil valuable lessons from the experiences of joint bodies worldwide, Parties to the Water Convention and other States, as well as other stakeholders. These experiences were gathered through an extensive consultation process under the Water Convention. At its seventh session (Budapest, 17-19 November 2015) the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention formally adopted the principles and encouraged countries to use them. The principles seek to facilitate the establishment and work of joint bodies and ultimately to contribute to reaching a high level of cooperation between riparian States. The principles are highly relevant in the light of the opening of the Water Convention to all United Nations Member States and can assist countries in implementing one of its main obligations.

Sustainable Development Goals:

Table of Contents


معلومات مرجعية حول المبادئ

مبادئ النشاط الفعال للهيئات المشتركة

المؤسسة والهيكل والوظائف



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