The Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR) is a recurrent publication prepared by the Trade and Investment Division of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. It provides information on and independent analyses of regional trends and developments in trade and investment; emerging issues in trade, investment and trade facilitation policies; and impacts of these policies on countries’ abilities to meet the challenges of achieving inclusive and sustainable development. APTIR is also the principal background document for the biennial sessions of the Committee on Trade and Investment of ESCAP. In those years when the Committee has a session, APTIR contains two parts. Part I contains a review of trends and developments in trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region, while Part II contains an in-depth analysis of a particular theme and issues relevant for the Committee’s deliberations. In those years when there is no Committee session, only Trends and Developments Part of APTIR is published online. Updates are issued as online documents as necessary. APTIR is available as a full-text online publication and can be downloaded from www.unescap.org/tid as can Asia-Pacific country briefs and the annex tables with trade performance indicators and maps.

Related Subject(s): International Trade and Finance
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