
image of Acknowledgements

This thematic report would not have been possible without the contributions from a wealth of partners – all of them working to end violence against children. The Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children (OSRSG-VAC) would like to thank the following organizations: UNICEF, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Unite Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Instituto de Politicas Publicas y Derechos Humanos (IPPDH) of MERCOSUR, International Organization on Migration, Universidad Iberoamericana. In addition, the valuable contributions made by Ricardo A. Bucio Mújica, National System of Integral Protection for Children and Adolescents (SIPINNA), Mónica Darer, UNICEF - LACRO, David Fernández-Dávalos S.J., President of the Universidad Iberoamericana, Ana Fontal, Global refugee Coordinator, SOS Children’s Villages, Denise González, Human Rights Program Universidad Iberoamericana, Agueda Marin, Senior Regional Specialist on Protection of Migrants, IOM, Felipe González Morales, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights of Migrants, George Moschos, former Greek Ombudsman for Children, Michael O’Flaherty, Director of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency, Romina Sijniesky, Senior Attorney, Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IAHCR), Volker Turk, former Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, UNHCR. Finally, all the work done by Miguel Caldeira, Nicolas Espejo, Angela Hawke, Francisco Quesney, Maria Luisa Sotomayor, Ann-Kristin Vervik, Annette Lyth and Cecilia Anicama.

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