Activities of the United Nations institute for disarmament research

The proposal to establish an international institute for disarmament research was put forward by the President of France at the tenth special session of the General Assembly, in 1978. UNIDIR was established at Geneva in 1980 within the framework of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). In 1982, the General Assembly, by resolution 37/99 K, decided that UNIDIR should function as an autonomous institution working in close relationship with the Department for Disarmament Affairs and that the Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Studies should function as its Board of Trustees and draft a statute of UNIDIR on the basis of its existing mandate. The Assembly also invited Governments to make contributions to UNIDIR. The statute of UNIDIR was approved by the General Assembly by its resolution 39/148 H of December 1984, and it became effective on 1 January 1985.

Related Subject(s): Disarmament
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