Economic progress in developing countries since the 1990s has led to an increase of more than 1.6 billion in the number of people living above the moderate poverty line. They include 750 million rural people who continue to live in rural areas – demonstrating that rural development has been, and will continue to be, essential to eradicating hunger and poverty. This report analyses the structural and rural transformations now under way in low-income countries, their impact on food systems, and the opportunities and challenges they present to millions of small-scale food producers. It shows how an “agroterritorial” planning approach, focused on connecting cities and towns and their surrounding rural areas, along with agro-industrial development, can leverage food systems to drive sustainable and inclusive rural development. It underscores the fact that rural transformation does not automatically lead to poverty reduction or improve food security. The choices of policy-makers are critical.

Sustainable Development Goals:
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