
The International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade — adopted by the General Assembly in resolution 2626 (XXV) on 2k October 1970 — calls for a biennial review and appraisal of performance and progress. Two such cycles have been completed. In 1973 the Secretary-General presented an empirical analysis of Implementation of the International Development Strategy 1/ and a report on The International Development Strategy: First Over-all Review and Appraisal of Issues and Policies. 2/ In December 1973 the General Assembly completed its first review and appraisal with the adoption of resolution 3176 (XXVIIl). In 1975 a second empirical analysis was presented as Part One of the World Economic Survey; it was entitled Mid-term Review and Appraisal of Progress in the Implementation of the International Development Strategy. 3/ The General Assembly undertook its own review and appraisal and in December 1975 adopted resolution 3517 (XXX) which, inter alia, decided to include on its provisional agenda for the thirty-first session an item entitled “Revision of the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade” in the light of the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and other recent declarations, requesting the Secretary-General to submit appropriate documentation for this purpose.

Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development
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