Third report on shared natural resources: transboundary groundwaters, by Mr. Chusei Yamada, Special Rapporteur

At the fifty-sixth session of the International Law Commission in 2004, the Special Rapporteur presented his second report on shared natural resources (providing a general framework and six preliminary draft articles on transboundary aquifers and aquifer systems. The Commission considered that report at its meetings, held on 12, 13 and 14 May 2004, respectively. At its 2797th meeting, the Commission established an open-ended Working Group on transboundary groundwaters, which held three meetings to consider the draft articles proposed in the report. The Working Group also had two informal briefings by experts on groundwaters, organized by UNESCO and an informal meeting with members of the Water Resource Committee of the International Law Association. The Sixth Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations considered the parts of the report of the Commission related to this topic on 5, 8 and 9 November 2004.

Related Subject(s): International Law and Justice
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