The Economic Survey of Asia and the Far East, 1948 has broadly the same scope as the 1947 Survey. The terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East have been widened to include the Kingdom of Nepal, which was admitted as an associate member in 1948. I t has not been found possible, however, to cover Nepal effectively in this Survey, as efforts to secure adequate material and data were unsuccessful. For reasons explained in the last Survey, Japan and Korea are included within the scope of the present Survey, and the term “AFE region” is used to indicate their inclusion. The term “ECAFE region” is used in reference to the more restricted group of Territories covered by the Commission’s terms of reference, namely, British North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak, Burma, Ceylon, China, Hong Kong, India, Indochinese Federation, Indonesia, Federation of Malaya and Singapore, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippine Republic and Siam. These Territories, with the addition of Japan and Korea, constitute the wider “AFE region” .

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