International legal questions

In 2013, the International Law Commission continued to examine topics relating to the progressive development and codification of international law. It provisionally adopted five draft conclusions on the topic of subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties, three draft articles on immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction and seven draft articles on protection of persons in the event of disasters. The Commission reconstituted its working group on the obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) and its study group on the most-favoured-nation clause, and included in its work programme the topics of protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict and protection of the atmosphere, with the appointment of special rapporteurs. It also decided to rename the topic of “Formation and evidence of customary international law” as “Identification of customary international law”, and to include in its long-term programme of work the topic of crimes against humanity. In December, the General Assembly welcomed the adoption by the Commission in 2011 [YUN 2011, p. 1268] of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, including the guidelines and a detailed commentary, and encouraged its widest possible dissemination.

Related Subject(s): United Nations
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