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- Author: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- Main Title: World Public Sector Report 2001 , pp iii-iv
- Publication Date: May 2002
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210012447c001
- Language: English
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It is increasingly being acknowledged that the State is a key actor in the development process. It has a major role to play in making globalization work for all; in alleviating poverty and income inequality; in advancing human rights and democracy; in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development; and in managing violent conflict and combating international crime. Overall, public administration has a vital role to play in the quest for peace, greater freedom, social equity and sustainable development. States can either guarantee people’s freedom and a measure of social justice, or can hold back development. How the public sector is structured, administered and operated, as well as what policies are pursued, has therefore a great impact on people’s well-being.
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