Maintenance of International Peace and Security

Our capacity to respond to crises and incipient or potential conflict was tested as never before in the past year. The pandemic, for the most part, did not affect the underlying dynamics of armed conflict, but it undermined trust in institutions, exacerbated inequality and created new flashpoints for tension. Because COVID-19 restrictions hindered in-person diplomatic action, my special representatives and envoys leveraged technology to prevent conflict, de-escalate crises and advance peace processes, including in some conflicts that underwent dangerous escalation. The reform of our peace and security pillar resulted in more cohesive responses. My call for a global ceasefire to stop violence, open space for diplomacy and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid was supported by 180 Member States, one non-member observer State, conflict parties, regional organizations, civil society and religious representatives. It was further reinforced by Security Council resolutions 2532 (2020) and 2565 (2021). I welcome the ceasefires that have taken place since I issued the call, including in Libya and the Sudan.

Sustainable Development Goals:
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