Case Concerning Sovereignty Over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia/Malaysia) Volume I: Special Agreement; Memorial of Indonesia
ICJ Pleadings Oral Arguments, Documents
These nine volumes contain pleadings from the case concerning Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia/Malaysia) in the language in which they were submitted including the document instituting proceedings the written pleadings and their annexes the verbatim records of the oral proceedings and any documents submitted to the Court after the closure of the written proceedings.
Targeted by Terrorists: Child Recruitment, Exploitation and Reintegration in Indonesia, Iraq and Nigeria
This research study was carried out by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in a collaboration between the End Violence Against Children team of the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Section; the Research Innovation and Partnership Section of the Research and Trend Analysis Branch; and the Terrorism Prevention Branch. This study was carried out in Indonesia Iraq and Nigeria with the aim of increasing knowledge regarding children associated with groups designated “terrorist” (henceforth terrorist groups). Children’s association with such groups and their abduction recruitment use and exploitation by them has gained greater visibility in recent years with reports indicating that thousands of children are affected worldwide. The groups groom and indoctrinate them use them as servants sexually abuse and exploit them and directly involve them in fighting and various auxiliary activities including serving as spies and informants. The research aims to identify the drivers and manifestations of children’s association with terrorist groups in specific contexts examine whether and how terrorist groups pose unique protection risks for children and analyze existing interventions responding to this phenomenon. It explores the issues across three axes of investigation: child association responses from and coordination among actors and impact of the representation of children on policy.
Trade and Entrepreneurship in Indonesia From a Gender and Development Perspective
This study which focuses on trade and gender linkages and their impact on women’s entrepreneurship in Indonesia forms part of UNCTAD’s teaching material on trade and gender. The aim of this capacity-building initiative is to promote the capacity of policymakers civil society organizations academics and other stakeholders to examine the interaction between trade and gender and develop gender-responsive policies. Section 2 of the report gives an overview of socioeconomic and gender profiles and section 3 presents the trade structure of Indonesia. Section 4 examines the impact of Indonesia’s trade flows and trade policy on women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship with a focus on selected case studies from each broad economic sector namely the oil palm sector from agriculture the wearing apparel and furniture sectors from industry and the tourism wellness creative economy and banking sectors from services. These sectors are either major exporters or key sectors of the domestic economy in which women are concentrated and they are all priority sectors for the government. Section 4 also discusses women entrepreneurs in e-commerce as an emerging area of interest for trade and female entrepreneurship. Section 5 delves into trade policy. It analyses the gender and trade nexus in Indonesia international good practices and country examples of economies similar to Indonesia. On that basis the section proposes a roadmap to use trade and related policies to support women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship. Section 6 summarizes the main findings of the report and presents a policy implementation framework.
Mainstreaming the sustainable development goals in Indonesia: An experience from the Ministry of Development Planning 2016-2019
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) improved and expanded the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). One of the lessons learned from MDGs is that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development needed to be more comprehensive far-reaching and people-centred. Therefore the Sustainable Development Goals embrace the principles of universal integrated and interrelated social economic and environmental dimensions of development. Moreover progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals should benefit all people especially the vulnerable and the achievement of the Goals should involve all stakeholders and that ambition is contained in the pledge to leave no one behind.
The new Asian Active Ageing Index: A case study of gender differences between two ASEAN member countries, Indonesia and Thailand
The speed of population ageing is among the fastest in ASEAN countries. For policy learning this trend requires a high-quality independent comparative evidence base. The demographic change has strong implications for sustainable development especially in the view of the commitment to leave no one behind made in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The new Asian Active Ageing Index which is presented in this paper quantifies the extent to which older people have been able to and can realize their socioeconomic potential. Using the two most populous member States of ASEAN as examples Indonesia and Thailand the Index is sensitized to the Asia-Pacific cultural norms such as the role of older persons in the society and the informal nature of contributions of older persons to their families and communities.
No. 51220. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Indonesia
Loan Agreement (Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund Project) between the Republic of Indonesia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules appendix and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development General Conditions for Loans dated 12 March 2012). Jakarta 19 November 2012
Application of UNFC for reassessment of uranium resources of the Eko Remaja and Rabau Sectors, Kalan Area, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Uranium exploration in the Kalan Area West Kalimantan started in 1973 and is still on-going. The Eko-Remaja and Rabau Sectors are important sectors in the Kalan Area. Metasiltstone and schistose metapellite are uranium favourable rocks in the Eko-Remaja sector while metasiltstone is the favourable rock for the Rabau Sector. Uranium resources in the Eko-Remaja Sector are estimated at 1243 tonnes U3O8 with 0.1% average grade. Uranium resources in the Rabau Sector are estimated at 294 tonnes U3O8 with average grade 0.09% U 3O8. A pre-feasibility study was conducted in the Kalan Area for the Eko-Remaja Sector from 1991 to 1993 to calculate the economic value of uranium deposit in the area. Resource classification using the Indonesian National Standard (SNI-1998) resulted in the Measured Mineral Resources (A2) category for both sectors.
According to Indonesian law HCWM is a part of hazardous waste (HW) management and regulated by laws and regulations such as Environment Protection and Management related to the hazardous material and the government regulation indicating the position of HCW as part of a hazardous management approach. The details of HCWM are stipulated in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEF) Regulation as “Procedures and technical requirements for the management of hazardous and toxic waste from health service facilities”. It regulates how to reduce sort store transport treat bury and dispose of hazardous and toxic waste. It can be done either by the healthcare facility (on-site) with a permit from the MEF or by a private company for transportation and treatment/disposal (also with a permit from the MEF). The technology that can be applied for on-site treatment is autoclave and incineration while for off-site treatment the private company can only use an incineration process.
No. 50978. International bank for reconstruction and development and Indonesia
Loan Agreement (National Program for Community empowerment in rural areas 2012-2015) between the Republic of Indonesia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules appendix and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development General Conditions for Loans dated 12 March 2012). Jakarta 22 January 2013
No. 51097. United Nations and Indonesia
Exchange of letters constituting an Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the hosting of a Senior Mission Leaders Course to be held in Sentul Indonesia from 26 November to 7 December 2012. New York 4 October 2012 and 19 November 2012
No. 51096. United Nations and Indonesia
Exchange of letters constituting an Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to host the Regional Meeting on the development of a Strategic Guidance Framework (SGF) for International Police Peacekeeping which was held in Semarang Indonesia from 11 to 15 June 2012. New York 6 July 2012 and 15 October 2012