هولندا: رؤية دون مهادنة للمتاحف بشأن الماضي الاستعماري
لاجم في ادئار ،ملاعلا تافاقثل ينطولا فحتلما وأ ،نيروتلوكديريو ناف ينطولا فحتلما دعُي عضوب ردابي ابوروأ في فحتم لوأ وهف .ةميدقلا تارمعتسلما نم ةدراولا ةيرثلأا عطقلا ةداعإ.ددّصلا اذه في تايلآ
Aux Pays-Bas, le regard sans concession des musées sur le passé colonial.
Le Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen ou Musée national des cultures du monde fait figure de pionnier. Il a été lun des premiers musées dEurope à mettre en place des mécanismes de restitution des objets issus des anciennes colonies.
The Netherlands: Museums confront the country’s colonial past
The pioneering Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (The National Museum of World Cultures) in the Netherlands was one of the first museums in Europe to develop mechanisms for repatriating artefacts looted from former colonies.
No. 51704. United States of America and Netherlands (in respect of the Caribbean part of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)
Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of America concerning cooperation in civil aviation safety. Washington 23 May 2013
No. 51705. Netherlands (for the European part of the Netherlands) and France
Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the French Republic concerning the processing of Dutch irradiated fuel elements in France. The Hague 20 April 2012
No. 46880. Netherlands and North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Exchange of Letters Constituting an Agreement Between The Kingdom of The Netherlands and The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Concerning The Privileges and Immunities of The Nato Consultation Command and Control Agency (NC3A). The Hague 17 December 2003 [United Nations Treaty Series vol. 2632 I-46880.]
No. 5471. Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands
Treaty Instituting The Benelux Economic Union. The Hague 3 February 1958 [United Nations Treaty Series vol. 381 I-5471.]
No. 17672. Netherlands and Bangladesh
Agreement on Technical Co-Operation Between The Kingdom of The Netherlands and The People’s Republic of Bangladesh. DACCA 19 MAY 1977 [United Nations Treaty Series vol. 1131 I-17672.]
No. 14043. Netherlands and Czechoslovakia
Convention Between The Kingdom of The Netherlands and The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic for The Avoidance of Double Taxation and The Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital. Prague 4 March 1974 [United Nations Treaty Series vol. 970 I-14043.]
No. 33006. Netherlands and Bahrain
Agreement Between The Kingdom of The Netherlands and The State of Bahrain for Services Between and Beyond Their Respective Territories. Manama 11 July 1990 [United Nations Treaty Series vol. 1930 I-33006.]
No. 39157. Netherlands and Belgium
Convention Between The Kingdom of The Netherlands and The Kingdom of Belgium for The Avoidance of Double Taxation and The Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital. Luxembourg 5 June 2001 [United Nations Treaty Series vol. 2205 I-39157.]
No. 51164. United States of America and Netherlands
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for Test and Evaluation Program (TEP) Cooperation (with annexes). The Hague 26 January 2004 and Washington 12 February 2004
No. 51580. Netherlands and Argentina
Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Argentine Republic on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters (with annex). Buenos Aires 26 September 2012
No. 51578. Netherlands (in respect of the Caribbean part of the Netherlands, Aruba and Sint Maarten) and United States of America
Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of America on the status of United States personnel in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. Washington 19 October 2012
No. 51574. Netherlands and Romania
Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of Romania regarding the privileges and immunities of the Romanian liaison officers at Europol (with attachment). The Hague 17 January 2006
No. 51577. Netherlands and Andorra
Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Principality of Andorra on the Exchange of Information relating to Tax Matters. The Hague 6 November 2009