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African Statistical Yearbook
The Yearbook series is a result of collaborative efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a joint data collection mechanism of socioeconomic data on African countries, as well as the development of a harmonized database. It seeks to promote wider use of country data, reduce costs, significantly improve the availability and quality of the data, and lead to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent.

African Statistical Yearbook 2020
This annual publication jointly produced by the African Development Bank the African Union Commission and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa is a result of the collaboration that exists among the three pan-African organizations in the field of statistics. This synergistic collaboration has two principal benefits: (1) it minimizes the risk of inconsistent information being produced by the three organizations and (2) it reduces the reporting burden on Member States who might otherwise be obliged to submit data separately to each institution. The yearbook brings together in one volume data on African countries for policy-makers researchers and other users. This edition presents a time series showing how African countries performed on several economic and social indicators over the period 2011-2019.

African Statistical Yearbook 2019
The Yearbook series is a result of collaborative efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a joint data collection mechanism of socioeconomic data on African countries as well as the development of a harmonized database. It seeks to promote wider use of country data reduce costs significantly improve the availability and quality of the data and lead to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent.

African Statistical Yearbook 2018
The Yearbook series results from joint efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a joint data collection mechanism of socioeconomic data on African countries as well as the development of a common harmonized database. It is meant to break with the practices of the past where each regional/subregional organization was publishing statistical data on African countries of the continent in an inefficient way leading to duplication of efforts inefficient use of scarce resources increased burden on countries and sending different signals to users involved in tracking development efforts. The joint collection and sharing of data between regional institutions promotes wider use of country data reduces costs and significantly improves data and leads to better monitoring of development initiatives.

African Statistical Yearbook 2017
The African Statistical Yearbook is a publication jointly produced by Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the African Union Commission (AUC) presenting time-series data over the latest nine years for which data are available showing how African countries performed in several economic and social thematic areas. The summary tables present selected standardized indicators for all African countries to enable comparisons between countries and the country profiles present indicators grouped into nine thematic areas: these are not necessarily used for comparison between countries.

African Statistical Yearbook 2016
The African Statistical Yearbook 2016 is the eighth edition jointly produced by the African Development Bank (AfDB) the African Union Commission (AUC) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). As with the previous seven editions this 2016 edition presents a time series showing how African countries performed on several economic and social indicators over the period 2007-2015. It is published consisting of two parts: a set of summary tables followed by country tables. The yearbook continues to serve the intended purpose of bringing together in one volume data on African countries for policy-makers researchers and other users.

African Statistical Yearbook 2015
The Yearbook series is a result of collaborative efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a joint data collection mechanism of socioeconomic data on African countries as well as the development of a harmonized database. It seeks to promote wider use of country data reduce costs significantly improve the availability and quality of the data and lead to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent. The data in this issue of the Yearbook are arranged generally for the years 2006-2014 or for the last eight years for which data are available. It is published in a single volume consisting of two parts: a set of summary tables followed by country profiles.

African statistical yearbook 2014

African statistical yearbook 2013
The Yearbook series is a result of collaborative efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a joint data collection mechanism of socioeconomic data on African countries as well as the development of a harmonized database. It seeks to promote wider use of country data reduce costs significantly improve the availability and quality of the data and lead to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent. The data in this issue of the Yearbook are arranged generally for the years 2004-2012 or for the last eight years for which data are available. It is published in a single volume consisting of two parts: a set of summary tables followed by country profiles.

African Statistical Yearbook 2012
The Yearbook series is a result of collaborative efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a joint data collection mechanism of socioeconomic data on African countries as well as the development of a harmonized database. It seeks to promote wider use of country data reduce costs significantly improve the availability and quality of the data and lead to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent. The data in this issue of the Yearbook are arranged generally for the years 2003-2011 or for the last eight years for which data are available. It is published in a single volume consisting of two parts: a set of summary tables followed by country profiles.

African Statistical Yearbook 2009
The 2009 African Statistical Yearbook the first issue of a series is a result of joint efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a join data collection mechanism of socioeconomic data on African countries as well as the development of a common harmonized database. It is expected that the joint collection and sharing of data between regional institutions will promote wider use of country data reduce costs and significantly improve the quality of the data and lead to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent. The data in this issue of the Yearbook are arranged generally for the years 2000 to 2008 or for the last eight years for which data are available. The Yearbook is published in one volume consisting of two parts: a set of summary tables followed by country profiles.

African Statistical Yearbook 2011
This publication provides users with quality statistical information to enhance Africa’s development initiatives. It aims to break with past practices whereby each regional/subregional organization published their own statistical data on African countries. It is expected that the joint collection and sharing of data between regional institutions will promote a wider use of country data reduce costs and significantly improve the quality of the data leading to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent. The data contained in this publication are arranged generally for the years 2002 to 2010 or for the last eight years.

African Statistical Yearbook 2010
The African Statistical Yearbook aims to break with past practices whereby each regional/subregional organization published their own statistical data on African countries. It is expected that the joint collection and sharing of data between regional institutions will promote a wider use of country data reduce costs and significantly improve the quality of the data leading to better monitoring of development initiatives on the continent. The data in this issue of the Yearbook cover the period from 2001 to 2009 or up until the last year for which data are available. There are two parts to this volume: a set of summary tables followed by a set of country profiles.

African Statistical Yearbook 2007
The 2007 African Statistical Yearbook the twenty-fifth issue is published in one volume and presents data arranged on a country basis for 53 Economic Commission for Africa Member States generally for the years 1998 to 2006 or for the most recent nine years for which data are available. Published in English and French it covers a broad range of statistics including population national accounts agriculture industry transport and communication tourism foreign trade prices finance and social statistics.

African Statistical Yearbook 2006
This newly revised edition of the African Statistical Yearbook published in one volume presents data arranged on a country basis for 53 Economic Commission for Africa member states generally for the years 1997 to 2005 or for the last nine years for which data are available. Published in English and French it covers a broad range of statistics including population national accounts agriculture industry transport and communication tourism foreign trade prices finance social statistics and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).