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The State of Commodity Dependence
The State of Commodity Dependence provides a bird’s eye view of commodity dependence in the world. It contains individual statistical profiles for the 195 UNCTAD member States, each comprising of 30 indicators under 4 subtitles - merchandise and commodity export dependence, commodity import dependence, key socio-economic indicators, and indicators on technology. As commodity dependence tends to negatively affect poverty alleviation and food security, a set of indicators is included to help monitor trends in these areas. For each individual member State, 2008-2009 is used as the historical reference period. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of commodity dependence in the 195 UNCTAD member States is presented at the beginning of the report with key messages.
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State of Commodity Dependence 2023
A country is export commodity-dependent (from now on “commodity dependent”) when its exports are heavily concentrated on primary commodities. The source of commodity dependence can be linked to different persistent or even structural conditions of a country such as its resource endowment and factor composition institutionality geographic situation history and others. In this document we follow past UNCTAD practice by considering UNCTAD member States to be commodity dependent if more than 60 per cent of its merchandise export value comes from commodities. It is important to monitor and analyze the evolution of commodity dependence as the latter can have negative implications for a country's welfare and development. This document is divided into two parts. The first one is dedicated to identifying and characterizing commodity-dependent countries as well as discussing the recent evolution of commodity prices commodity export value and the net asset position of these countries. The second part is dedic at to country-specific commodity dependence profiles that also include important economic and social statistics.

State of Commodity Dependence 2021
This 2021 edition of the State of Commodity Dependence contains statistical profiles for 195 UNCTAD member States. Comprised of around 30 indicators it demonstrates the extent of each country’s export and import commodity dependence over the last decade from 2008–2009 to 2018–2019 as well as the key structural and socioeconomic variables related to the commodity dependence phenomenon such as growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and per capita GDP levels the Human Development Index (HDI) and value added by economic sector. The report also includes a set of technological indicators for each individual country thus reflecting the research theme of the UNCTAD Commodities and Development Report 2021: Escaping From the Commodity Dependence Trap Through Technology and Innovation.

State of Commodity Dependence 2019
The 2019 edition of the State of Commodity Dependence contains 189 individual country profiles each comprising 30 indicators mostly related to the four main dimensions of commodity dependence namely: merchandise and commodity export dependence - Commodity import dependence - key socio-economic indicators - other structural indicators. As commodity dependence tends to negatively affect poverty alleviation and food security a set of indicators is included to help monitor trends in these areas. For each individual country 1995 is used as the historical reference year. Moreover an in-depth analysis of commodity dependence in the 189 countries is presented at the beginning of the report with key messages.

State of Commodity Dependence 2016
The 2016 edition of the State of Commodity Dependence contains 135 individual country profiles each comprising 40 indicators mostly related to the three main dimensions of commodity dependence namely: export commodity dependence import commodity dependence and net merchandise and commodity trade. Moreover as commodity dependence tends to negatively affect poverty alleviation and food security a set of indicators is included to help monitor trends in this area in developing countries. For each individual country 2009/10 is used as the reference period. Graphs and diagrams are presented at the beginning of each regional chapter in order to highlight the position of individual countries within their respective regions.

State of Commodity Dependence 2014
The 2014 edition of the State of Commodity Dependence contains 135 individual country profiles presenting various that are comparable across countries. For every country reference data are also provided in order to allow comparison over time and to facilitate anaylsis among countries and regions. Graphs displaying regional overviews are presented as an introduction to each chapter of the report.

State of Commodity Dependence 2012
The State of Commodity Dependence 2012 was prepared by the Special Unit on Commodities (SUC) of UNCTAD. This document aims to provide an individual country overview of the commodity-related situation of 154 developing countries. This publication also contains graphs which present a regional and global perspective of commodity dependence in the developing world over the period 2009–2010.