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Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review
UNCTAD developed the science, technology and innovation policy reviews to assist developing countries in assessing science, technology and innovation systems and building innovation capacity at the firm, farm, industry and national levels. The reviews are an analytical and policy-learning process for a country’s science, technology and innovation stakeholders to reach a clearer understanding of the key strengths and weaknesses of their innovation systems and identify strategic priorities for their development. The result of this process is documented in the science, technology and innovation policy review document and considered at the Commission on Science and Technology for Development.

Science Technology and Innovation Policy Review: Seychelles
The Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy Review of Seychelles was conducted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) at the request of the Government of Seychelles. The request was made in the context of the UNCTAD project on Technology Assessment in the energy and agricultural sectors in Africa to accelerate progress on science technology and innovation and this Review is one of its products. The review of Seychelles' National Innovation System (NIS) and the implementation of its 2016-2025 national Science Technology and Innovation Policy and Strategy (STIPS) suggests a range of policy actions and institutional reforms. These recommendations are essential for invigorating the NIS thereby enabling Seychelles to harness STI and entrepreneurship effectively to achieve the goals set in Vision 2033 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report reviews the implementation of the 2016-2025 STI Policy and Strategy (STIPS) and assess the country’s national innovation system.

Botswana Science, Technology, and Innovation Foresight
This report was prepared as part of the Botswana Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy review process and should be read in conjunction with the Botswana STI Policy Review. It documents the STI Foresight exercise designed and undertaken by UNCTAD in 2022 to explore the future role of science technology and innovation and STI policy in Botswana and to stimulate a process aimed at creating a consensus on the future priorities for national investments in R&D technology and innovation. It responds to a key finding of UNCTAD's Botswana STI Policy Review that the lack of clearly defined national priorities contributes to fragmentation in the national system of innovation in Botswana and undermines its innovation performance and capacity for technology upgrading. These in turn constrain the ability of Botswana to use STI for sustainable development and reach the sustainable development goals. The STI foresight exercise aimed to provide a future dimension to strategic planning for STI in the country. It sought to involve the STI community of policymakers and practitioners in Botswana in a discussion about what the STI future could be for Botswana and what a preferred STI future is for the country. The exercise and the report are based on an understanding that foresight can help to shape the future of Botswana by looking forward into the future to see what could be possible through selective policy interventions undertaken in the present starting from today.

Botswana Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review
The report presents UNCTAD's assessment of the national innovation system of Botswana including indicators of STI capacity key actors STI policy frameworks use of new technologies for transformation and the application of STI across different sectors and issue areas related to the sustainable development goals. It identifies key weaknesses and proposes policy recommendations to address those weaknesses.

Angola Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review
Science Technology and Innovation Policy Reviews are an analytical and policy learning process for a country’s science technology and innovation (STI) stakeholders to understand the key strengths and weaknesses of their innovation systems and identify strategic priorities for its development. The result of this process is documented in the STIP Review document and considered at the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD). The focus of the study is on the national innovation system innovative enterpreneurship and the mapping of the ecosystem of innovation and new digital technologies in Angola. This work is co-published by the United Nations and the United Nations Development Programme.

Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review: Zambia
The Science Technology and Innovation Policy Review of Zambia has three fundamental goals. Its first goal is to offer Zambia an assessment of activities and institutions that make up its innovation ecosystem. The second goal is to draw attention to important socio-economic development questions for Zambia. Special attention has been placed on four such questions: gender food mining and digital transformation. The third goal is to provide recommendations for strengthening STI policy and propose measures that may improve national technological capacities and encourage innovation.

Uganda Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review
The Uganda Science Technology and Innovation Policy Review supports Ugandan development aspirations which require that its national science technology and innovation (STI) plans and programmes make an effective contribution to its social and economic development. Strengthening national innovation performance is required to improve the competitiveness of Ugandan firms and industries competing in the global economy. Furthermore like all other countries Uganda is facing the challenges of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here as well technology and innovation are increasingly important factors of success.

Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review of Ethiopia