Note to educators

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In August 2002, the United Nations published a report on disarmament and non-proliferation (DNP) education. In the foreword, former Secretary-General Kofi Annan touched upon an important truth when he wrote that an entire generation was growing up without having known the terror of living under the threat of a global nuclear disaster. Disarmament education plays an important role in helping us to remember that this threat still exists. That remembering can be used as a powerful tool to build a clear understanding of the concepts and issues on how best to achieve international peace and security. The goal of Action for Disarmament: 10 Things You Can Do is to provide resources to help empower young people to participate in making decisions “both public and private” about disarmament and non-proliferation, and to hopefully increase their safety and security and ultimately the security of all humanity.

Related Subject(s): Disarmament
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