United Nations E-Government Survey 2010

Leveraging E-Government at a Time of Financial and Economic Crisis

image of United Nations E-Government Survey 2010


The theme of the 2010 Survey is how to leverage e-Government in the current financial and economic crisis. The crisis presents a major challenge for UN Member States’ attainment of national development goals. The Survey explores the potential of e-Government, focusing on its relationship with government spending such as stimulus funding, integrity and efficiency in financial monitoring, and public service delivery. The prime focus of the Survey will remain the Web Measure Index based on an extensive analysis of government national web portals/sites and ministries. Assessment of the e-Government readiness of the 192 UN Member States according to quantitative index of e-Readiness based on website assessment, telecommunication infrastructure and human capital.

Sustainable Development Goals:
الموضوعات ذات الصلة: Democracy and Governance


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