Conclusion: Trust is a must in government

image of Conclusion: Trust is a must in government

A democratic government will not survive long if it does not build and sustain the trust of its citizens. Trust is a must in government, and not only for democratic government. Ironically, even rulers who may have come to power through a coup d’état or another form of unconstitutional seizure of power can gradually build trust among citizens, respect their rights, and enjoy popular support. In contrast, rulers elected through fair and free elections may rapidly lose trust if they do not deliver and live up to people’s expectations. Trust in government is the central element of good governance – it can be built up with sound policies enhancing people’s welfare and safety. But it can also be lost. It is not something a priori given. Our research that culminated in this book demonstrates in various examples how trust in government is difficult to build, and how it is easy to lose.

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