Making it happen

Technology, finance and statistics for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific (Asia-Pacific regional MDG report 2014/15)

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The end of 2015 is the target for the Millennium Development Goals. As MDGs come to a close and a post-2015 agenda takes shape, to be formulated as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this report focuses on three key issues for implementation of this new agenda: technology, finance and statistics. It argues that priority should be given to identify and disseminate the most productive technologies; the necessary investment for sustainable development should come from a diverse range of sources, including public and private, domestic and international; and supported by statistics that should serve as a launching pad for evidence-based policymaking. The report has been produced by ESCAP, ADB and UNDP and it is a result of wide consultation among policymakers, development practitioners and other stakeholders throughout the Asia-Pacific Region. Other United Nations organizations, funds and programmes participating in the Regional Coordination Mechanism have also contributed.

Связанные Темы : Economic and Social Development


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