Lesotho: Child grants in Lesotho - Poverty relief that works

Despite significant economic growth over the past two decades, a large proportion of Lesotho’s population remains locked in poverty. In 2010, an estimated 57 per cent of households lived below the basic needs poverty line of $1.08 per day, while 34 per cent lived below the food poverty line of $0.61 per day. Levels of chronic malnutrition are at 40 per cent and 39 per cent of Basotho under-fives suffer from stunting. The country also has one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the world (23 per cent). To compound these problems, in 2011 and 2012, floods, late rains and early frost reduced the cereal harvest to a third of the national average.

相关主题: Children and Youth
Countries: Lesotho
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