Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Anti-Corruption and Addressing Drivers of Corruption

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The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) carried out an evaluation of UNDP contribution to anti-corruption and governance integrity in a development context in 2015. The evaluation assesses UNDPs contribution to strengthening national capacities in anti-corruption and governance integrity. This includes an assessment of UNDPs contribution to global and regional level debates and advocacy. The evaluation covers the period from 2008 to 2014, encompassing the last Strategic Plan 2008-2011, extended to 2013, and the current Strategic Plan 2014-2017. Given the thrust to anti-corruption and governance in the Sustainable Development Goals, the evaluation will contribute to UNDPs anti-corruption and governance integrity programme strategy. In making the overall assessment of UNDP’s contribution, the evaluation, assesses relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability at the country level as against the expectations in the Strategic Plans in terms of a) changes in macro policies and awareness; b) changes in capacities of state and non-state actors; and c) improved governance quality.

الموضوعات ذات الصلة: Economic and Social Development


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