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- The Value of Forests
- Chapter
What role can PES play in moving towards a green economy?

- Author: United Nations
- Main Title: The Value of Forests , pp 37-41
- Publication Date: June 2014
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18356/c500b433-en
- Language: English
The Action Plan for the Forest Sector of member states in the UNECE region in a Green Economy (hereafter Action Plan) specifically refers to compensating suppliers for providing ecosystem services wherever possible, and PES is a possible mechanism for providing this. According to TEEB, “there is potential to scale up existing PES (from local initiatives to national coverage), to implement PES in more countries, to make PES more efficient and to address issues of permanence” (TEEB). The possibilities to apply PES at a larger scale and the associated benefits for a green economy are further discussed in this Chapter. The issues for consideration are
© United Nations
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Related Subject(s):
Environment and Climate Change
Sustainable Development Goals:
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