Report overview: Migration continues to be part of the solution in a rapidly changing world, but key challenges remain

image of Report overview: Migration continues to be part of the solution in a rapidly changing world, but key challenges remain

It has been more than two years since the release of the World Migration Report 2022, which provided an overview of the global transformations intensely affecting migration and displacement around the world. While acknowledging ongoing changes related to demographic transitions, as well as economic and social transformations, the 2022 report outlined the major geopolitical, environmental and technological transformations that shape migration and mobility, sometimes profoundly. The impacts of these systemic global shifts have only intensified further in the last two-year period. For example, hardening geopolitics has seen us witness previously unthinkable conflict in terms of both scale and nature. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in early 2022 signalled a pivotal shift for the world, with some arguing that it “marked an abrupt end to 30 years of globalization and all the international cooperation that made that possible”. The immediate impacts on Ukraine and Europe continue to be felt by millions of people, while the global impacts have touched many times more, as the consequences of the war ripple through global food security, energy security, international law, multilateralism, military strategy and alliances.

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