Case Concerning East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) Volume II
Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents
These two volumes contain pleadings from the case concerning East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) in the language in which they were submitted including the document instituting proceedings the written pleadings and their annexes the verbatim records of the oral proceedings and any documents submitted to the Court after the closure of the written proceedings.
أستراليا: في مواجهة النّيران
Australia: prueba de fuego
“Cuando se camina por un bosque quemado lo más sorprendente es la ausencia de ruido. Ni un gorjeo de pájaros. Ni un rumor de hojas. Un silencio aplastante.” Estas palabras de Mike Clarke profesor de zoología de la Universidad de La Trobe en Melbourne se ajustan perfectamente a los numerosos bosques de Australia que fueron diezmados por los incendios y que hoy se encuentran sumidos en un mutismo total.
Австралия: испытание огнем
«Когда вы идете по выжженному лесу более всего ошеломляет тишина. Не слышно ни пения птиц ни шуршания листьев под ногами. Только тишина» — эти слова профессора Майка Кларка преподавателя зоологии в мельбурнском Университете им. Ла Троба (Австралия) можно отнести к любому из лесов опустошенных в результате недавнего бедствия.
East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) Volume I
Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents
These two volumes contain pleadings from the case concerning East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) in the language in which they were submitted including the document instituting proceedings the written pleadings and their annexes the verbatim records of the oral proceedings and any documents submitted to the Court after the closure of the written proceedings.
Australia: After The Bushfires
When you walk into a forest that’s been burnt this badly the overwhelming thing that hits you is the silence. No bird-song. No rustling of leaves. Silence.” This is how Mike Clarke professor of zoology at La Trobe University Melbourne described Australia’s many forests that were recently decimated by the country’s worst bushfires.
Australie : l’épreuve du feu
Quand on marche dans une forêt ravagée par le feu ce qui frappe c’est l’absence de bruit. On n’entend plus le chant des oiseaux. On n’entend plus le bruissement des feuilles. C’est le silence. » Ces propos de Mike Clarke professeur de zoologie à l’Université de La Trobe à Melbourne pourraient s’appliquer aux nombreuses forêts australiennes récemment décimées par les feux de brousse et désormais réduites au silence.
No. 51710. United States of America and Australia
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Department of Defence of Australia concerning collaboration on tactical missile design development test and evaluation (with annexes). Washington 3 August 2005 and Canberra 1 September 2005
No. 51429. Turkey and Australia
Convention between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of Australia for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of fiscal evasion (with protocol). Ankara 28 April 2010
No. 51056. United States of America and Australia
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Department of Defence of Australia for Test and Evaluation Program (TEP) cooperation (with annexes). Washington 14 April 2003 and Canberra 23 April 2003