World Heritage Review - Volume 2022, Issue 102, 2022

Volume 2022, Issue 102, 2022

World Heritage sites require an enormous number of resources for their protection. Conservation needs are met in different ways by governments, vibrant communities, or donors of many types. But increasingly the private sector is taking action with a powerful impact on conservation and management. Natural sites especially are impacted by industrial activities, and ‘no-go’ commitments, where companies from the extractive, finance, insurance and hydropower sectors promise to withhold activities from protected areas, mean that we can work jointly with these industries to protect these sites. As of March 2022, there are more than 40 no-go commitments related to World Heritage sites. We learn more about this in the interview with Rohitesh Dhawan, President and CEO of the International Council on Mining and Metals, which was at the origin of the landmark no-go commitment and explains how international environment policy is slowly evolving for the better. Other sites use innovative Public-Private Partnership with an intriguing model: the government confides the daily management of sites to a private partner with excellent results. Still other kinds of private partnerships support sustainable livelihood activities that have a direct impact on the local communities, reinforcing their traditional editorial practices and craftsmanship, while supporting the conservation and management of the sites. You will find these and other examples in these pages. The private sector, not only through financial contributions, but through creative collaboration, are paving a new way forward with sustainable results.
Language: English French, Spanish
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